Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Colours: The Hardest Choice

I can't even begin to list all of the potential combinations that we tried. Let me explain why choosing our wedding colours was the hardest decision I've made for the wedding (thus far).
Autumn Colours
Our venue, as I'm sure you've seen, looks like it's constantly autumn. The location is covered in rich, warm and beautiful colours that I absolutely adore. Unfortunately, this is a winter /spring wedding. Ryan's brother's wedding was set in the fall just 2 years ago, and it was stunning. We wanted to respect them and their special day, so we chose to do something different. Basically, we now had to try and hide all of these predominant, autumn colours.

This though, wasn't my only colour misfortune. Most girls, and I say this rather generally, dream of their wedding day. I certainly had pretend weddings with friends and Barbies, but as a child, I didn't really consider colours. When I started to age and date more, of course these natural thoughts do come up. More vivid and specific ideas started to form as time progressed. 
Winter Colours

When Ryan and I had settled on Silvertip as our venue, I instantly saw the colours I wanted. Their reception room was mostly a blank slate and we were still headed to the winter season at that point; so jewel tones fit perfectly. I love Christmas so these colours were comfortable and filled with memories. I was pleased. So naturally, this meant things needed to explode around me. Silvertip, of course, didn't work out. 

Not only was I heartbroken over losing this venue, I was also disappointed that all my initial "vision" was gone. I had to re-assess and start from scratch; a huge challenge. Standing in Stewart Creek, I had no idea where to go. Choose too many colours that are actually in the venue, and I'd lose any pizzazz, as well as be in the wrong season. Choose no colours from the venue, then risk having a colourful, yet very chaotic mess on my hands. Was I to choose all, some or none? I debated this at length, I assure you. 
Colour Inspiration

After seeing the space with zero decor (referring to my post "The Naked Venue") I was glad to see that we could hide some of the loud coloured floor beneath the tables and linens. Some of those autumn colours would be present, but we could mute them. Now, I still had to figure out what to choose, but at least I had slightly better options. Once again, with the help of Pinterest, I started searching for some complimentary colours. 

When it came down to the decision, I knew we needed to keep our "theme" in mind. Our wedding would be held in a natural, rustic setting. I should probably consider that. We also were picking up a vintage vibe, so that needed to be kept in mind as well. For my "rustic romance" theme, I chose green for rustic and cream for romance. Both pretty colours and they worked with all that fall-toned decor. I then took some cues from nature and rounded it out with blue and brown. These 4 colours together reminded me of a creek or lake in the woods.  Works well for a wedding in the mountains, am I right? 

The fun part for me, was figuring out the proper shades for our colours. My goal was to make sure we stayed within our season and to have them compliment the locations existing tones. So here's how I figured it out...

Getting Closer!
Blue, can work for any season. Typically, we see sky or light blues for spring, bright cobalt or teal for summer, grey-blues for fall, and silvery or deep blues for winter. For our timing and space, I chose navy. Its' deep colour fits nicely with the venue's existing colours and grounds our colour pallet. Navy can be characteristically a winter colour, so that works as well. For green, I chose a bright apple green instead of a evergreen or emerald, and my neutrals like cream and brown, rounded it out. 

Luckily, I love these colours now and I think it will be perfect for our mountain wedding. I'm  thankful that there are tons of flower varieties in both cream and green. Choosing two colours for the flowers and using them in a large quantity will create a great impact when looking at the completed space. 

With my lovely ladies in navy and myself in ivory, this colour palette has become my perfection. They certainly were not my favourite colours or are even ones that I'm attached to. I just ended up falling in love with them because they will help build the most wonderful wedding. I really could not be more in love. 

 Cream, Navy, Wood and Apple
I have also picked Slate Grey to round out the pallet

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