Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Best Intentions, Frustration and Moving Forward

So Saturday was a success. That's a victory. Both families came with Ryan and I to the mountains in hopes of reaching a decision. To my surprise, once we were out there it really wasn't that difficult to make.

Sitting down with my Mom and sister was certainly a highlight. I had missed out on being able to just flip through a magazine and chat about what would make our wedding beautifully suitable for us. I am so glad she was able to come down to help with the decision and it meant a great deal to me that she liked my pick as well.

Silvertip Wedding

After we thoroughly checked out each location and all they had to offer, we decided on Silvertip. Honestly, I am still very excited about this location. They have everything that we were looking for in a venue. However, nothing turned out like it was supposed to be.

Early Monday morning, I emailed our contact at Silvertip requesting a contract be drafted for March 1 or March 8, 2014 (8th would be safe since with our Niece arriving any day now). Not soon after that email was sent, I received a disheartening response; both dates had been already taken. Somehow in the 48 hours since we had been there our dates were booked. Ryan and I were livid. The woman there made no reference to others inquiring about our dates and even said it was a super slow month in the year. We felt like we had ample time to take the two days to decide. Little did we know, that March 2014 has been the hottest month for Wedding there next year. 

More disappointment to follow. Every time I sent another email inquiring about another date, those dates too were booked. Frustrated and upset, I asked her what dates she still had available, if any. She said February 22nd or into late April was all that was available around our original picks. At this point, I'm extremely angry. Ryan and I both agreed that February was the month was both despised (easily the worst month in Calgary) and late April would be too springish for our liking. 

Now what the hell were we to do? I admit, I got upset. It look me hours to work through how I felt about all of this. I will confess; I lost it a little. A stressful day at work in combination with yet another date change and challenge was just about all I could take. Luckily, Ryan is a Saint and helped me through it. Both sets of parents were angry about the situation, but helped to present an array of options so we could continue moving forward. Much to my surprise in fact, my Dad  racked his brain to see if he could think of anywhere else we could try, and lucky for us, he thought of something.

Stewart Creek Golf, he said, was a private club in Canmore on the opposite side of the highway from Silvertip. He mentioned that he had a good experience there and that they do weddings during their off-season for non-members. Fortunately, a very lovely woman sent him a bunch of information and he sent it off to us. Ryan and I looked into it the following day, and we both agreed that it is nice enough to check out. 

Stewart Creek Dining Room (Wedding Obession)

In the mean time, I messaged Silvertip and booked October 4, 2014. Ryan and I have a lot of fondness for that date and it was originally what we had discussed right after getting engaged (and frankly, decided on to try and end the harassment from our families to try and figure it out). The dates that were still available at Silverip were just not going to work for us, so waiting will have to suffice. We would both rather have the wedding we want and wait for it, than to have one earlier that just doesn't represent us or our relationship.

This coming Saturday, for the third time, we are going out to Canmore. Hopefully, this last trip will either cement our desire to retain Silvertip as our venue or it will give us an opportunity to change it. Either way, Silvertip's contract is due in by March 8 at 4:30pm so we have a bit of time to decide.

I'm nervous, but at the same time, I'm also looking forward to finally setting our date and venue. Even if we have to wait 18 months, I can't wait to be married to Ryan. I guess at this point, it matters little if it's in March or October, so long as we feel like it'll be a good representation of us and will give us the memories we are looking for.

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that there are no more set backs; at least for the time being. Sometimes our best intentions end up disappointing us. "Shoulda', coulda', woulda'," is the best saying I can think of, in that respect. Best to keep our head's up and looking towards the long road to Canmore ahead. 

Stewart Creek Golf Clubhouse

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

...And then there were two

I must say, it has been an interesting experience. Seeing each location and what they had to offer, actually it surprised all of us. I was expecting to be underwhelmed in some places, and naturally, less likely to pick them. However, pictures cannot show the real size of some venues like the Chateau Lake Louise ballroom, or show how cramped and drab some famous places like the Post Hotel can be. 

As I'd hoped, we managed to get our selection down to two venues. I figured that it would be between Buffalo Mountain Lodge and Silvertip Golf Course. Both have unique offerings and pros and cons not found in the other. 

Buffalo Mountain was quaint and quiet. Nestled perfectly in a wooded area of Tunnel Mountain, the drive up was memorable. We took the first exit up from the highway and drove through the winding path to the Lodge. The main check-in area had a huge deer antler chandelier as you walked in and the people at front reception were very pleasant to speak with. We didn't wait long and proceeded to walk from the main Lodge to the Wapiti Longhouse- the potential venue. 

Truthfully, my first impression of the space wasn't great. The "wine cellar" was just a handful of half-empty cabinets containing a mixture of wine. I do prefer it over a blank and empty room, but it was a small space with little pizzazz. The woman that was providing the tour informed us that we would likely be tight to try and fit the 90 + guests we have currently on our list, even though the space boasts a 99 person capacity. She recommended that we would be much more comfortable with less than 80 people. We asked more of our questions, poked around, then proceed to walk up the stairs to the main reception space.  

The actual reception room was much better. The room had very high ceilings and lots of exposed wood. The view from the top floor was better, providing a glance of Cascade mountain between the high trees. It was about 9:00 in the morning, but the lighting was beautiful. We walked about, looking at the large stone fireplace and lighting suspended above. If you asked Jen or Ryan what colour the walls are, they probably couldn't tell you. I honestly, couldn't stop staring at them: hideous dusty rose, straight out of 1980. The colour worked okay tone wise with the warm coloured wood, but it certainly left a slightly bitter thought for the location. Other than the wall colour though, the space was nice. It has new wooden floors and lots of natural light. The only concern that all three of us shared was the size. Again, the woman informed us that we could fit 99 people in there, but it would be best not to. That would certainly be something to keep in mind. 

On the complete opposite spectrum there was Silvertip. We arrived at Silvertip for our last appointment of the day. The sun was setting and it was a pleasant and quiet drive up the trail to the golf course. The area had a ton of wildlife (as my sister called it, a deer conference). We drove past plenty of parking (a major plus) and parked in front of three large buildings. We took a quick walk around outside and admired the amazing view. We were surrounded by mountains, and the area could provide great wedding photos with little relocation or effort. We entered the dining center and waited to meet with our contact. Frankly, the wait was a little long, but they were hosting a wedding that very night, so it was a pleasant surprise after the wait. 

The woman greeted us and brought us to the Pavilion, Silvertip's wedding reception space. We entered through a large side door and instantly we could see being married there. The whole room was decorated and set for a lovely 110 person reception. More modern than we would prefer, but impressive, nonetheless. The room had spectacular wooden ceilings with large rounded iron lights with candles in them. The room was painted white, but in unison with the rustic ceiling, the room felt old-world European. We both loved it. 

Where we were both crestfallen, was the price. Unfortunately, the difference in cost between both venues is substantial  Not enough to deter us from attempting to make a deal, but  enough to create some doubt. The other downfall was the lack of attached, on-site accommodations for our guests. The attached hotel is where Buffalo Mountain flourished. The rustic and romantic rooms only added to the atmosphere of Buffalo Mountain, whereas we'd be stuck at a separate (although very nice) hotel across the highway from Silvertip. 

Why does this have to be so hard? We're lucky in the sense that either way, we'll have a beautiful wedding in a very nice location, however we're so confused as to what we want. I wish that there was a perfect location, one that had the whole package: reception and ceremony site, wonderful accommodations and a price point that we (and our families) feel is reasonable. I know it's unrealistic to have it all, but you can't blame a girl from trying. 

Overall, I think we both know in our guts that Silvertip is the place we want to be married, we just need to negotiate a better starting price point. I certainly know that'll help us feel more confident with the decision. We checked out the hotel we would be staying at, the Grande Rockies Resort. It's modern and boasts a ton of luxuries and amenities, it's just the travel between the locations that we dislike. 

So yet again we head back to the mountains to see Silvertip and Buffalo Mountain Lodge this weekend. We'll see what impressions our parents get this time and maybe that'll help cement our choice. 
Either way, a decision must be made. 

Wish us luck!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Buffalo Mountain Lodge

Buffalo Mountain Lodge in Banff, Alberta is the first location we'll be seeing. As mentioned previously, this location seems to be our favourite from the look of the venue, potential pricing and overall location in the area. I like that the room we like also is separate from the rest of the hotel. Gives great privacy!

Post Hotel

The Post Hotel in Lake Louise will be our second location of the day. It's unfortunate that we have only have one day to book all these appointments, but Lake Louise certainly is beautiful enough to warrant a trip. Apparently, the Post Hotel has spectacular food and location, but it comes with a higher price. 

Chateau Lake Louise

Also in the area, we'll be visiting the Fairmont Chateau that sits right at Lake Louise's shore. It's beautiful and historic but definitely expensive. It's a bit of the black sheep of the bunch, but again, worth it to check out. 

Deer Lodge

Our last location in Lake Louise is Deer Lodge. Nestled right before the top of the hill to the lake lies this small resort. The quiet accommodations and variety for ceremony and reception space makes this location a contender. 

Rimrock Banff

Back we go, heading towards Banff and the Rimrock. Just outside of the town, this hotel stands directly within the Mountains with beautiful and scenic views. From the photos that we've seen for the reception space, we're not too impressed. The location appears dated, however we've heard many good things about the food. 

Silvertip Golf Course

Lastly, our trip takes us back to the top of a mountain to Silvertip Golf Course. This location would be ideal for a summer wedding as the outdoor patio has an exceptional view. The inside of the Pavilion room looks beautiful and can fit a wide range of guests. We're a little disappointed to learn that this venue isn't available for our primary choice of dates, however, we're not ready to give up on it yet. 

If that wasn't enough information, Orange Girl Photographs captures many of the venues we're look at. Absolutely stunning photos!

   -Wish us luck!  -

Preparation for Venue Visit

I think it's finally safe to say that we've settled on January 25th as the potential date for the Wedding. Of course, it'll still come down to which venue we like the most and when they have openings. Unfortunately for us, we're into the less than one year mark, and that's dangerous for Mountain wedding bookings. Luckily though, it appears that just one venue has a conflicting appointment that will push us to our alternative, but I'm hoping it doesn't come down to that.

A few minor decisions have been made, and really that's all we can do. Jenny, Mark and Heather are on-board. That only leaves Jeni, Sean and Andrew to be inducted into our wedding pandemonium. Asking the rest of the bridal party is another task that will likely need to wait until specifics of the date and location have been booked.

Other than that, we've started to think about colours. I'm stuck on navy and plum with cranberry, at the moment. One of the most appealing aspects of having a winter wedding in the Mountains, is all the beautiful wood everywhere. I'm very fortunate that most jewel tones and deep rich colours work perfectly with it. In that respect, I'll be hard pressed to not find nice colours for any of the locations. That's a definite win.

I finally brought together all of the Wedding material that I've accumulated in the last month to the kitchen table, and it's an alarming mass. I'm hoping that Jen won't expect me to bring absolutely everything. I'm going to attempt to cut out and organize the things I like, but realistically, I'll most likely shove it all in a bag and lug it up to Canmore. I'm very excited at the prospect of narrowing down the venue and potentially booking it within the month; we're kind of stuck at a stand-still. Which, honestly, I absolutely hate.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Venue Hunt

We've decided that the Mountains will be the spot in which we'll be married. The difficult part, will be figuring out which venue suits our needs and won't make us broke. 

Next weekend we will travel with Jen to check out places in and around Banff.

Hopefully we will be able to commute between the areas easily and still have enough time to fully inspect the various locations we've chosen.

I still find I'm disappointed about Banff Springs. Should've known that they'd be far outside a reasonable price point and size.

Right now,it seems like the place we're interested in most is Buffalo Mountain Lodge. I really like the interior of one of rooms they have available; very rustic and warm. I think we're both glad that we're starting with the one that we like most from the photographs we've been so far online.

Wedding venue aside, the other detail we need to sort out is the date. Unfortunately, there's been a lot of flip-flopping by both us and our families. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that we are not going to wait until November. For some reason I really liked that date; it didn't hurt that it was on a long weekend too. Going forward it seems like the date we're working with is January 25, 2014 and our back up will be March 1, 2014. I'm not entirely sold on March, and I doubt Ryan is either, but January is looking to be a handful to organize. 

Excitement is certainly settling in. I'm looking forward to getting into all the nitty-gritty details. There's so much to do in the next 11-13 months and limited time to get started. What I am sure of though, is that we need to narrow down the date, book the venue and relax. The hardest part then, will be over.

Buffalo Mountain Lodge, Wapiti Longhouse