Monday, February 11, 2013

Preparation for Venue Visit

I think it's finally safe to say that we've settled on January 25th as the potential date for the Wedding. Of course, it'll still come down to which venue we like the most and when they have openings. Unfortunately for us, we're into the less than one year mark, and that's dangerous for Mountain wedding bookings. Luckily though, it appears that just one venue has a conflicting appointment that will push us to our alternative, but I'm hoping it doesn't come down to that.

A few minor decisions have been made, and really that's all we can do. Jenny, Mark and Heather are on-board. That only leaves Jeni, Sean and Andrew to be inducted into our wedding pandemonium. Asking the rest of the bridal party is another task that will likely need to wait until specifics of the date and location have been booked.

Other than that, we've started to think about colours. I'm stuck on navy and plum with cranberry, at the moment. One of the most appealing aspects of having a winter wedding in the Mountains, is all the beautiful wood everywhere. I'm very fortunate that most jewel tones and deep rich colours work perfectly with it. In that respect, I'll be hard pressed to not find nice colours for any of the locations. That's a definite win.

I finally brought together all of the Wedding material that I've accumulated in the last month to the kitchen table, and it's an alarming mass. I'm hoping that Jen won't expect me to bring absolutely everything. I'm going to attempt to cut out and organize the things I like, but realistically, I'll most likely shove it all in a bag and lug it up to Canmore. I'm very excited at the prospect of narrowing down the venue and potentially booking it within the month; we're kind of stuck at a stand-still. Which, honestly, I absolutely hate.

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