Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Best Intentions, Frustration and Moving Forward

So Saturday was a success. That's a victory. Both families came with Ryan and I to the mountains in hopes of reaching a decision. To my surprise, once we were out there it really wasn't that difficult to make.

Sitting down with my Mom and sister was certainly a highlight. I had missed out on being able to just flip through a magazine and chat about what would make our wedding beautifully suitable for us. I am so glad she was able to come down to help with the decision and it meant a great deal to me that she liked my pick as well.

Silvertip Wedding

After we thoroughly checked out each location and all they had to offer, we decided on Silvertip. Honestly, I am still very excited about this location. They have everything that we were looking for in a venue. However, nothing turned out like it was supposed to be.

Early Monday morning, I emailed our contact at Silvertip requesting a contract be drafted for March 1 or March 8, 2014 (8th would be safe since with our Niece arriving any day now). Not soon after that email was sent, I received a disheartening response; both dates had been already taken. Somehow in the 48 hours since we had been there our dates were booked. Ryan and I were livid. The woman there made no reference to others inquiring about our dates and even said it was a super slow month in the year. We felt like we had ample time to take the two days to decide. Little did we know, that March 2014 has been the hottest month for Wedding there next year. 

More disappointment to follow. Every time I sent another email inquiring about another date, those dates too were booked. Frustrated and upset, I asked her what dates she still had available, if any. She said February 22nd or into late April was all that was available around our original picks. At this point, I'm extremely angry. Ryan and I both agreed that February was the month was both despised (easily the worst month in Calgary) and late April would be too springish for our liking. 

Now what the hell were we to do? I admit, I got upset. It look me hours to work through how I felt about all of this. I will confess; I lost it a little. A stressful day at work in combination with yet another date change and challenge was just about all I could take. Luckily, Ryan is a Saint and helped me through it. Both sets of parents were angry about the situation, but helped to present an array of options so we could continue moving forward. Much to my surprise in fact, my Dad  racked his brain to see if he could think of anywhere else we could try, and lucky for us, he thought of something.

Stewart Creek Golf, he said, was a private club in Canmore on the opposite side of the highway from Silvertip. He mentioned that he had a good experience there and that they do weddings during their off-season for non-members. Fortunately, a very lovely woman sent him a bunch of information and he sent it off to us. Ryan and I looked into it the following day, and we both agreed that it is nice enough to check out. 

Stewart Creek Dining Room (Wedding Obession)

In the mean time, I messaged Silvertip and booked October 4, 2014. Ryan and I have a lot of fondness for that date and it was originally what we had discussed right after getting engaged (and frankly, decided on to try and end the harassment from our families to try and figure it out). The dates that were still available at Silverip were just not going to work for us, so waiting will have to suffice. We would both rather have the wedding we want and wait for it, than to have one earlier that just doesn't represent us or our relationship.

This coming Saturday, for the third time, we are going out to Canmore. Hopefully, this last trip will either cement our desire to retain Silvertip as our venue or it will give us an opportunity to change it. Either way, Silvertip's contract is due in by March 8 at 4:30pm so we have a bit of time to decide.

I'm nervous, but at the same time, I'm also looking forward to finally setting our date and venue. Even if we have to wait 18 months, I can't wait to be married to Ryan. I guess at this point, it matters little if it's in March or October, so long as we feel like it'll be a good representation of us and will give us the memories we are looking for.

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that there are no more set backs; at least for the time being. Sometimes our best intentions end up disappointing us. "Shoulda', coulda', woulda'," is the best saying I can think of, in that respect. Best to keep our head's up and looking towards the long road to Canmore ahead. 

Stewart Creek Golf Clubhouse

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